My crafting/art/bedroom/sewing/you name it room is just what sounds like.
The room that fills many needs of a small family.
My daughter moved out about 4 years ago to attend college. Savannah College of Art and design (wonder where she got that from?) ha ha.
Anyways that left me a whole room to myself. Well sorta.
I had to keep the room functional for her visits so in went a murphy bed in the closet. It fit perfectly! I could not believe it. But there went the closet!
So this is what I ended up doing with the little room.
This is from the door looking in. Yep it is small.
This is my work area for jewelry making, designing, anything that I need good lighting and the work is not messy like painting and glue. I have another space for that.
This is on the other wall and I can paint and glue to my hearts content. Won't hurt this little folding table!
My oil painting is next to that. I have to pull this out when I'm ready to paint and behind all that is the closet with the murphy bed.
Then next to that is my printing station. I have 3 printers behind my rolling art case. Two are for photos and the top is for paper, shrinky dinks, etc., color of course!
Now for my wall of crafting supplies. This took me awhile to decide what was going to make the most sense and would fit on the little wall. Ikea and Target.
Yeppers! I love the ikea storage bins! There are different size drawers, strong and very clean looking. for the little spaces left over I created a tower of plastic totes. I can easily remove the drawers while crafting and put them back. Then again to Ikea for the black and white HUGE covered collapsible totes!
These drawers hold so much stuff! I just got around to putting everything where it goes but still have to organize the drawers themselves!
See how nice it looks! The TV and the computer as well as my weighing station sits on top of all these. Must have for any crafters! Love that my computer hooks up to the TV and I can see everything in BIG screen!
I've been so inspired by the blogs that show all their material so nicely "filed". I had recently purchased this glass cabinet and didn't know what I was going to use it for so now I know! I've started at the bottom. Now to get out my tote full of fabric. Oh did you notice the green boxes? Yep another use for my little room.
Yoga! I recently had surgery for a torn rotator cuff (which has taken me away from crafting boo hoo) so I am determined to get that arm working again and get on with it. At least I have space in the middle of the floor to exercise!
Now don't for one minute think I've got this whole room so organized and have no "junk". I have to store the stuff like wrapping paper and boxes so they don't get ruined. They were just removed for the photos!
AND, yep, look at my garage full of stuff that can't quite possibly fit and, of course, could never be gotten rid of. ha ha
Well that's about it! I have fun in my little space. I also take a break now and then in my old rocker... LOVE
OMG I just noticed this in one of my pictures....
Guess where I'm headed.....Thrift Shopping. My favorite thing to do!
I just love excuses like this to get me motivated.
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